Minggu, 20 Juli 2014

Just a Lazy Sunday at Seminyak

Have nothing to do while you have your holiday in Bali? That's a real holiday i think and this is what i did when i have free time and no mood to write on blog or just bored with internet.
just change clothes with swimsuit and going to the beach!!!!
This place is located at Seminyak, near double six beach.
Theres a lot of beach bar that you can choose, i choose the normal price one, with a live music start on 5 pm. Sand beach bar and camplung are my option to go to meet beautiful sunset.

Sahadewa Kecak and Fire Dance

July 21, 2014. My facebook friend just visiting Bali and he just currious to know kecak dance after i talked about it. I was advise him and his friends to go to Uluwatu but we can not going there because is too late. We just ready to go at 5 PM and the show is at 6 PM. so i asking front liner on Grand Ina Hotel could we get a car to go to Batubulan.
And here we go Batubulan, Sahadewa kecak and fire dance.its located at Gianyar about 45 minutes from Sanur. Nice performance, with fire dance after. fire dance here is like a trance dane, just 1 dancer and became trance and play with fire withno hurted.
entrance ticket is IDR 100,000,
My friends looks happy going to this show but not me. i just felt sad coz im not see any young dancer as a cak. Since Bali became very popular in Tourism and exotic nature, the young people here more like to work in tourism field as a waitres/ss,bellboy/roomboy,guide,driver,or just goin to cruise to work. no one want to be a traditional dancer. im just scared to imagine what will happen in future if there no traditional dancer????

DMZ Art 3D Gallery

Everything changing after i decided to moved to other town in Bali, Denpasar the place that i stayed now. No easy life, no free time, all i did just working and learning new things as i take a job as secretary at fashion company for production departement.
But happinest is not a result, happinest its everything we do for enjoy our life, because of this reason i go to DMZ Art 3D Gallery after work, the other fact is we courious to know what's the new in a town.
After broswing and we couldnt see anyting about this musieum or Gallery we contact one friend who have go to this place. We knew the location, its is on Jalan Nakula (hammer gym), near traffick light, near alfamart. not so far from my office how can i dont know this place????
entrance ticket : IDR 130,000,00 (indonesian)
after buy ticket we will have 1 guide who will take picture for us and will show us the gallery musieum.
DMZ is one of some 3D Gallery in Bali, this place just opened in June and painted by some painter form Korea and local painter. Below pictures i put randomly, we just took picture by phone camera, so if you want to go to this place don't forget to bring your great camera ;)
FYI : please, check everything before leave cashier ;)